1. Happy Thank You, More Please
Even though movies are fake, I'm still just as gullible as I was when I was 7, so this gave me a great feeling in my heart. Seeing a bunch of people in their 20s running around New York caring about what others think and working hard to figure themselves out will always appeal to me.

2. Tom Ford Toasted Sugar nail polish
Somehow, some way, Tom Ford slipped under my radar. Edging out Marc Jacobs for the "Gayest Crush Ever" grand prize, there he was, in all his slicked back splendor convincing you that his severely overpriced makeup is worth it. But alas, his nail polish lasts A WHOLE WEEK. I tried to chip it. No luck.
3. Veganism
--The Juice Press Power Detox Smoothie (Such a texture has never been achieved in a smoothie, and I have made safely over a thousand Frappuccinos in my time) http://thejuicepressonline.com/
--Whole foods vegan chocolate chip cookies (they taste like regular chocolate chip cookies; if you disagree, you probably have Type 2 Diabetes)
--That little vegan place near the beach on Westminster (their faux tuna sandwich had me on the vegan train before I was even "officially" vegan)
--Gracias Madre, vegan Mexican in San Francisco (The best Mexican I've ever had. Vegan or not.) http://www.gracias-madre.com/web/
4. "Moving to New York" by the Wombats
Saw this band at the Troubador with a very old friend, and it helped me understand why we love New York. We're all a little masochistic sometimes.
5. Spirit Junkie

6. My dear friend Jenn and the fact that Gchat works internationally
8. Cooking! Mushroom kalamata lentil burgers. I'll take three of my favorite things over beef any day.
9. Morphine. It saved me, even though I cried at first.
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